Funny Graph Paper T-Shirt for Geometry Geeks

Without Geometry Funny Geek T-Shirt

Get this funny t-shirt for the math or geometry geek in your life. The design features a row of 3D illustrated geometrical shapes. These are flanked by bold text above and below, in all caps: Without Geometry above and Life is Pointless below.  While circles are also measured using...

Funny St. Patrick's Day Geometry T-Shirt

This is a great holiday t-shirt for math geeks to wear on St. Patrick's Day. The graphic design shows a mathematical-style drawing of a lucky shamrock, along with sketch-style text that reads "Happy St. Patrick's Day." This fun St. Patrick's Day - Math mashup t-shirt is a...

Geometric Shapes Humor T-Shirt for Math Lovers

This witty geeky t-shirt design features the phrase WITHOUT GEOMETRY LIFE IS POINTLESS, complemented by a variety of geometric shapes outlined, including cubes, pyramids, and more. This design masterfully blends a math pun with a nod to the sacred polyhedrons of geometry, making it a perfect fit...