Science is Rad Marie Curie Fan T-Shirt

Optimist or Pessimist? Funny Glass Full T-Shirt

Is the glass half empty, or half full? An optimist and a pessimist allegedly would have different answers, but in reality, the glass is always completely full, as this funny science geek t-shirt explains. This graphic design shows a simple glass of water. The half that is full...

Geometric Shapes Humor T-Shirt for Math Lovers

This witty geeky t-shirt design features the phrase WITHOUT GEOMETRY LIFE IS POINTLESS, complemented by a variety of geometric shapes outlined, including cubes, pyramids, and more. This design masterfully blends a math pun with a nod to the sacred polyhedrons of geometry, making it a perfect fit...

This Teacher Loves Brains Funny Halloween Zombie Long Sleeve Tee

This fun t-shirt design made for teachers is a fun one to wear on and around Halloween! A spooky, scary illustrated zombie reaches out in the center of the design. Text above and below the brain-loving undead creature reads "THIS TEACHER" and "LOVES BRAINS". Of course teachers love brains,...

Nikola Tesla Inventions Graphic T-Shirt

This graphic glow-in-the-dark t-shirt for science geeks features images of Nikola Tesla and some of his innovations. The design uses photo style imagery plus blueprint drawings and vintage style text. This brown t-shirt is made of comfortable 100% cotton. The main caption of the design is NIKOLA TESLA...